"The bad things stay with you, they follow you, you cant escape them as much as you want to. All you can do is be ready for the good, and when it comes, you invite it in." -The Vampire Diaries

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I haven't posted ANYTHING in foreverrrrr....

Welllll...I'm back in New York....Unfortunately I couldn't find a job in good ol' Cali. Sara(my cousin) and i made the road trip...But it's kinda good to be home. I didn't realize how much i missed my friends until I got here.

I've actually been doing stuff since I've been home...I haven't been staying home and watching TV all day like I used to. I finally got to go on a haunted hay ride with a group of friends!!! We waited in line for 3 hours but i think it was worth it.

I visited my friend in North Carolina. Her husband is deployed to Pakistan, so I went to the Marine Corps Ball with her, and we had a blast!

Annnnndddd we went to a couple different Halloween parties this year, I was so happy i didnt have someone telling me i wasn't allowed to...=].

Thats all for now...